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I'm Nidhi Agarwal, a banker, author, poet and philanthropist, with two Masters degrees in Mathematics.
After what took more than ten years to complete, I finally achieved my dream of becoming a published author with the launch of my book called “Life Simply Moves On” in Sept 2019. The book immediately became an international bestseller on Amazon and received the NYC Big Book and Independent Press awards.
I am based in a beautiful part of London and live in a home filled with love and laughter with my husband Aakash and two young children Saanvi and Driti.
After the publication of my book, Saanvi got inspired and started her own book-writing journey. Only aged 6 years old, Saanvi published her first book series in 2020. Her books became international best sellers and have been awarded by the Young Writers Association with a copy saved in the British Library, London.
“Nandita, just always remember that it is easier to reach the top, however, it is more difficult
to stay on the top. And I want to see you stay there.”
These words were etched into Nandita's mind the second they left her headmaster’s lips. With her mindset on success from the very first day, Nandita hardly let adversities hold her back. From her childhood until adulthood, Nandita faced a variety of obstacles, all posing a different challenge to overcome. With every bruise that coloured her heart Nandita’s stubbornness for success only grew. Every unforeseen circumstance she landed in never made her falter. She never let herself. After all, life simply moves on, right?
Friendly Fairies Book Series
Magical Adventures Book Series
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